Faculty assessment (when students evaluate faculty staff)

At Al-Quds University, we value the feedback of our students and strive to continuously improve the quality of education we provide. One of the key ways we achieve this is through faculty assessments, which allow students to evaluate the performance of faculty staff at the end of each semester. These evaluations are an essential part of our commitment to maintaining a high standard of teaching and learning.

Students are given the opportunity to evaluate live tutoring classes and lectures through an assessment form available on the e-learning platform. This user-friendly form covers various aspects of the faculty member’s performance, including their teaching style, clarity of communication, availability for consultation, and effectiveness in delivering course content.

The evaluation process is anonymous and secure, ensuring that students can express their opinions freely without fear of reprisal. The collected feedback is carefully analyzed and used to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Faculty members receive a summary of the results, enabling them to reflect on their teaching practices and make necessary adjustments to enhance the learning experience for future students.

Moreover, the administration at Al-Quds University takes these evaluations seriously and uses them to inform decisions regarding faculty development, promotion, and tenure. This process demonstrates our dedication to upholding a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in education.

By incorporating student feedback through faculty assessments, Al-Quds University aims to create a dynamic learning environment where students and educators work together to achieve academic success and personal growth.

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