Housing & Dining

Comfortable Living Environment

At Al-Quds University, we understand that a comfortable and supportive living environment is essential for students to succeed academically and thrive personally. Our on-campus housing options are designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our students, providing them with a safe, secure, and welcoming home away from home.


We Offer Options

By offering a range of comfortable housing options and diverse dining experiences, Al-Quds University ensures that students can focus on their academic pursuits and personal growth, knowing they have a nurturing and supportive living environment to call home.

Experience Beyond Expectations​​

Residence Halls

Our residence halls offer a variety of living arrangements, including single, double, and suite-style rooms, to accommodate different preferences and budgets. Each residence hall is equipped with essential amenities, such as shared kitchenettes, laundry facilities, and communal lounges, to ensure a comfortable living experience. Our dedicated residence life staff work tirelessly to create a sense of community within the halls, organizing social events, workshops, and support services to foster a positive living environment.

Off-Campus Housing

For students who prefer off-campus living, the surrounding neighborhoods offer a range of housing options, such as apartments, shared houses, and private rentals. Our housing office provides resources and support to help students navigate the off-campus housing market and find suitable accommodations that meet their needs and preferences.

Dining Services

Al-Quds University is committed to providing a diverse and high-quality dining experience for our students. Our dining facilities offer a wide variety of meal options, including international cuisines, vegetarian and vegan dishes, and halal options, to cater to diverse tastes and dietary requirements. Students can choose from several meal plans, allowing them to customize their dining experience according to their preferences and needs.

Cafes and Snack Bars

In addition to our dining halls, the campus features several cafes and snack bars where students can grab a quick bite, catch up with friends, or enjoy a leisurely meal. These venues offer a range of food and beverage options, from freshly brewed coffee and pastries to sandwiches, salads, and more.

Sustainability and Wellness

Our dining services are committed to promoting sustainability and wellness throughout our food offerings. We prioritize the use of locally sourced and seasonal ingredients, implement waste reduction initiatives, and provide nutritional information to help students make informed choices about their dining options.

What Students Say
"Al-Quds University accepts the matriculation certificate, and it is subject to the conditions of the high school equivalency!"
Omar Natoor
Bachelor's Student
"I choose Al-Quds University for its distinguished scientific and academic level, especially the health faculties!"
Sura Manadra
Bachelor's Student
"Bagrut certification is accepted at Al-Quds University and it is subject to the Tawjihi official condition and requirements!"
Aden Abu Raya
Bachelor's Student
"Al-Quds University nourishes an excellent university environment, because of its low living cost, and its vital location centering Palestine!"
Naser Barakat
Bachelor's Student
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